Analysing and redesigning information architecture of MyVote Wisconsin.
Designing intuitive pathways to information through user testing.
Goal: To use user testing to create clear and usable pathways to the most important information on the website.
Card Sorting
The goal of the card sorting process was to see how users organized the site structure. Each was given titles of each page on cards, and asked to sort them into a structure that made sense to them.
Tree Testing
The goal of tree testing was to observe how users interact with the site. Users were given specific tasks to complete, and their process was recorded to understand any pain points encountered.
First Glances
The site is organized into task-based pages, with a hierarchical structure. Simple process can also be carried out, and pages are very text heavy. The most highly trafficked pages have multiple pathways to access them from the home page. At this point, I am thinking users will find the multiple pathways linking to the same pages a confusing system.
Tree Testing
Next, I record users interacting with the actual website. I watch their path through different clicks and pages to arrive at their goal, time how long it takes them to complete tasks, and note any verbal feedback indication confusion or difficulty.
I brought in search and FAQ functions to ease navigation, and brought Photo ID requirements to higher priority.